
Prologue - Dorian Lynn

This blog is about empowerment, personal journey, education, and willingness. It is a reflection back on and a look forward at a life lived with an autoimmune disease known as Graves disease. I will share my personal story, broken up into chapters, from pre-diagnosis to today. At the end of each chapter I will try to include the Life Lesson learned and a Thyroid Note. The Life Lessons will be things I have learned that have changed me and moved me forward mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. The Thyroid Notes will be the things I discovered through my independent research about this disease, and how I helped myself get to this point. 

My goal is to connect with people who have an autoimmune disease and to share the human experience of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and the struggle to feel healthy. This is a blog for those who want to take control and are willing to do anything necessary, no matter how uncomfortable or unfamiliar, to reach the ultimate goal of being symptom free without the use of medication, radiation, or surgery. 


I was on methimazole for a year, was then taken off briefly to see how I would do, was told to go back on it only two weeks later after my lab values came back reflecting what my doctor believed was a hyperthyroid state, and I refused. My goal from the beginning of my diagnosis, without the encouragement of my doctor, was to be one of the 30% who gain remission of my particular autoimmune disease. I have no current plans to return to my endocrinologist. I have been an active participant in my healing since the day I was told I have Graves disease, and I believe this has made all the difference. As of today, I am symptom free, off medication, and defying the odds. I do not take a single day of feeling well for granted. I made a commitment to myself to get educated, adapt, and eventually overcome. And so I begin writing to you.....


- Dorian A., RN, CHLC



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