Learn to Use the MYSTERIES OF SPIRIT to Awaken Loving Relationships for the Rest of Your Life!


Are you someone with a seeking heart who needs spiritual connection, wisdom, and guidance?

Are you a purposeful person who's ready to do whatever it takes to fix the relationship you have with yourself and others?

Are you struggling emotionally with feelings of rejection and abandonment, trying different ways to end the pain that haven't worked?

Are you wanting to be and feel loved?

Do you believe it's possible that a few hours can have a huge payback for the rest of your life?

Join me, Dorian Lynn, RN, Reiki Master, Intuitive Mystic Healer and Founder of the Mystic Medicine Boutique, for this spiritual experience.

During this 3 Phase Spiritual Awakening of Love, I will share with you the EXACT spiritual truths, tools, and techniques I use to inspire and help my clients transform the quality of their personal relationships for good.

What You'll Learn In 3 Phases

In Phase 1 you'll build a strong foundation of self-awareness and knowledge of Spirit. You'll gain clarity and insight into:

  • What is going on in your heart and mind
  • What you want
  • What your motivations are
  • What you are really struggling with
  • What you understand about the essence of Spirit
  • What Spirit uses to communicate messages to you
  • What the connection is between Divine Love, self-love, and your energy system
  • What beliefs and habits you need to change
  • What your strengths are
  • What support from Spirit is available to you
  • What technique is available for awakening inner peace
  • and what place choosing serenity has in your spiritual journey

In this phase you'll study thoughts and emotions associated with the process of spiritual growth. You'll gain understanding, wisdom, and clarity about:

  • Why difficult times are necessary for spiritual growth
  • Why it's so important that we take the time to understand what we personally need to feel at peace and supported from within during challenging times
  • Why forgiving someone is easier when you understand what genuine forgiveness is - and what it isn't
  • Why establishing loving relationships depends on you understanding your own value and treating yourself in a loving way
  • Why self-Reiki is a practice that can help to uplift your energetic vibration and by doing so, help you to bring more health, wellbeing and energetic balance into your life

In the last and final phase of the Awakening Love experience you'll study putting your passion and imagination into action. You'll gain understanding, wisdom, and clarity about:

  • How to prioritize spiritual truth in your life.
  • How to practice living a love-led life.
  • How faith works and how to connect with it.
  • How you believe determines how you receive.
  • How to manifest.
  • How to plan for making your vision happen.
  • How to create new spiritual practices and rituals that will recognize and honor your authentic self.

About Dorian Lynn

I'm an RN, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Mystic Healer. Over the past decade I've helped change the lives of my clients and customers by connecting them to the powerfully transformative love of Spirit.

Through my gifts and talents, those with seeking hearts as well as faithful believers have experienced hands-on energetic healing, received guidance through channeled messages and personal mentoring, and deepened their spirituality with scripture inspired aromatherapy and crystals.

Iโ€™m blessed to be able to help the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit Shine Their Light!

Wouldn't you like a future so bright you'd have to wear shades? Let's work together!




A Spiritual Experience of Love for Seekers & Believers

7 Day *or* 2 Lesson Money Back Guarantee



This experience is delivered through your account page on Once you receive your purchase confirmation you will be prompted to create your account. From there, you'll be able to access the experience and the community discussion group.

All content can be accessed according to your own flexible schedule. It is self-paced and independently structured so that you can do it whenever it's best for you.

Both the 30 Day Finish and the Full Experience include once weekly Q&A Mentoring in an online group setting.

That's completely up to you. You don't have to work on it every day if you don't want to.

If you purchase the 30 Day Finish you will have access to all materials plus the discussion group and weekly mentoring for 30 days.

If you purchase the Full Experience you will have lifetime access to all the materials plus the discussion group and weekly mentoring.

You can receive a full refund up until one of the following conditions is met:

7 days from date of purchase

- or-

Before you access Discovery & Mystery Moment 1:3

After 7 days or after you access 1:3 there will be no refunds processed.

All experience videos are pre-recorded.

Weekly Q&A mentoring in the community group will be done through a live online discussion.

Purchasing the 30 Day Finish package means you intend to watch all included videos, participate in whichever projects you choose, and receive 4 Q&A Group Mentoring discussions within 30 days. If you cannot finish within 30 days there will not be any extension offered. Purchasing the 30 Day Finish means you understand that after 30 days you lose access to all course materials and the community group.

Purchasing the Full Experience package gives you lifetime access to all materials and the discussion group so you can take as long as you like to finish.

There is only one required project with the first video - and this is only to write a letter. All the other projects are optional.

However, at the very least it is recommended to keep a journal as you progress through the course. If you're not willing to do this you certainly won't gain the full benefits of the experience. All the projects were created to reinforce the information in the discovery videos. They aren't hard or complicated. They were designed to be easy, fun and inspiring.

For your security, we only accept Credit Card transactions.


Total Value: $3,000


For a Limited Time

And Now for the Legal Stuff - No Guarantees

You agree that Dorian Lynn and the Awakening Love experience have not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this website or not. Awakening Love provides educational and informational resources that are intended to help users of this website succeed in their personal relationships. You nevertheless recognize that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of Dorian Lynn.

The results obtained by others applying the principles set out in this website do not guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results. By visiting this website or interacting with any portion of this website, you agree that youโ€™re fully responsible for the outcomes that may result.