About Dorian Lynn

You won't find any fluffy Spirituality here. This is where serious healing happens.
If you want cardboard boxes full of artificial fragrances and perfumes, cheap chakra or spiritual jewelry, little plastic Buddhas, fake crystals, and other ineffective or mass produced things from China, then you won't like it here. When it comes to the genuine business of spiritual energy healing, you’ll get out of it what you put into it.
Everything I offer you is researched for spiritual significance, authenticity, and overall effectiveness before it's hand-made by me in small batches with only the highest intentions for your good in mind.
Only if an ingredient lends a special purpose or meaning does it find a place in what I offer to you.
If it's important to you to have a spiritual guru who looks glamourous and mysterious in their sparkly nail polish, crystal rings, moon tattoos and witchy clothes, well...you're going to be disappointed. I don't crave that much attention.
I'd rather pay attention to you.
I don't claim to be a guru, I've worn scrubs for nearly 20 years, and the one tattoo I have is a heart that my husband and I both got on our tenth anniversary.
Who I am is a Registered Nurse specializing in boutique spiritual tools and services for extraordinary women to meet their spiritual needs.
My clients and customers come to me tired of their personal battles, exhausted from trying to fix things in ways that aren't working, running out of places to look for something that will feed their souls.
I help them change all that.
In addition to being an RN, I am also a Usui Reiki Master Practitioner, Chakra & Crystal Healer, and creator of the Bio-Energy Aromatherapy brand of energy-centered essential oil products.
But what really makes me tick is that I'm an Intuitive Mystic Healer. My ability to receive and convey empowering messages from Spirit gives people the assurance and confidence they need to grow spiritually and create changes in the areas of love, health, and abundance. I have intuitive gifts which are a form of communication to me from Spirit for the benefit of guiding and healing others.
Because of this you'll notice that many of my products are based on the teachings, herbs, flowers, oils, and crystals found within ancient sacred scriptures.