Achieving Wellness with an Autoimmune Disease IS Possible

Achieving Wellness with an Autoimmune Disease IS Possible - Dorian Lynn

* This post was originally published in 2019

This weekend marks FIVE YEARS that I have been healthy and off medication for my autoimmune disorder. I look back at everything that has happened since the weeks leading up to my diagnosis six years ago and I am astonished by what I have managed to accomplish. It all began with my own personal struggle to be well - which inspired the blog that became a book. The process of sharing my story and connecting with others across the digital divide has morphed into the best full-time job I ever had. I have found my purpose. I am driven every day by the desire to share everything I have learned with as many people as are willing to listen - whether through books, blogs, communities, social media, trade shows, or my aromatherapy website. Achieving wellness with an autoimmune disease IS possible! I am living proof. Be well. - Dorian :)

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