Does Graves Disease Come and Go?

Does Graves Disease Come and Go? - Dorian Lynn

Does Graves disease come and go? Well…here is one way to look at it:


Once you discover you have this autoimmune disorder, it is important to realize that it has a genetic component. It has been hard wired into your DNA, and now your body is always going to harbor the intelligence to reproduce those particular antibodies. Your body remembers. So, in this way the answer is - no - Graves disease does not come and go.


On the other hand, since Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid, which in turn produces many symptoms in the body if not well controlled, then the symptoms of Graves disease may come and go. So in this way the answer is - yes - the symptoms of Graves disease may come and go.


The disease will always remain, however the symptoms may not.


Now, whether the symptoms appear once, usually prompting the initial diagnosis, or whether they reappear after a trial of medication, or whether they disappear for extended periods of time, and perhaps forever, is up to you. You have several choices:


The first choice is to take medication. This treatment will initially last for approximately a year. After that, you will be taken off to see if you go into remission. If not, you will be given yet another choice by your doctor to continue on it forever, which will require medication, doctor visits, and blood testing - forever, or to choose radioactive iodine. You will always have the disease, but with a therapeutic level of medication you should remain symptom free. In my opinion, you will be symptom free but you will also be sacrificing your body to the side effects of the medication.


The second choice is radioactive iodine. Some people like to choose this option initially, as it alleviates all the symptoms associated with Graves disease rather quickly, some of which can be extremely uncomfortable. You will always have the disease, however with this option you have now permanently destroyed the thyroid gland which will render you hypothyroid. You will be tied to medication and doctor visits forever. In my opinion, you will be free of symptoms of hyperthyroidism, but may now experience symptoms of hypothyroidism. To me, this seems like trading one problem for an equal and opposite one.


The third choice is surgical removal of the thyroid. Everything stated in the previous paragraph applies here, the only difference being that it is one step further - the thyroid is not destroyed, but it is completely removed. You will always have the autoimmune disorder, but with this option you have removed the part of the body that is responsible for the symptoms. Keep in mind, the thyroid is a very busy gland, and with this option you will now have to imitate artificially what it used to do for you - forever. Again, I feel it is just a more extreme version of trading one problem for an equal and opposite one.


The fourth choice, albeit the unpopular one, is to self treat Graves disease using a holistic approach including detoxification, supplemental nutrition with vitamins and herbs, as well as diet and lifestyle changes. After trying medication for a year, this is what I chose to do. Now I have been living successfully off medication for months, without experiencing any symptoms of my disease.


Anyone who is new to this blog can read my personal story by clicking on the Chapters listed above. They explain how I have reached this point, what my personal philosophy is, and hopefully will give you the inspiration to become an advocate for yourself and make wise choices regarding your care. My choice may not be the choice for everyone, but it is another option for the treatment of Graves disease, and I stand as an example that it can work if you are willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve a state of health. It is not a cure - as Graves disease cannot be cured. You will always have the predisposition for symptom activation in your genetics if your thyroid remains alive and in your body. But the disease can be controlled - and this is the area where I have been successful.


I have not personally experienced the symptoms of Graves eye disease, so I cannot speak directly to that. In my research, however, I discovered that a protein is being investigated that is found in both the thyroid and in the eye area, leading to the connection between the two areas in the body affected by the Graves disease antibodies. I do believe, however, that control of the eye symptoms would be handled in the same way as the thyroid. It all comes down to building up and strengthening the immune system, detoxifying the body, getting the liver and kidneys functioning optimally, and then flooding the body with the vitamins and supplements it needs. Along with that are the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the holistic approach that need to be addressed and balanced. Once all of these things are achieved, then the body will be in a state of ease.

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