Welcome to my Mystic Medicine Boutique for Beautiful, Messed Up😉, Extraordinary Children of Spirit

*New* Mystic Boutique Scripture Tees

Mystic Boutique Scripture Inspired Perfume Oils

Mystic Boutique Scripture Inspired Crystal Collection

Mystic Medicine

Unblock your Spiritual Inheritance

Spirit wants to send you the gifts of love, health and abundance. They are yours for the taking ~ if you want them.

Overcome and clear the energy blocks that are not serving you and claim your inheritance ~ a loving relationship with Spirit, vibrancy, healing and the ability to manifest an abundant life of joy.

Mystic Readings

Receive intuitive guiding and healing messages from Spirit about any of 30 possible areas pertaining to your current physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Spirit may tell you which body parts to nourish, how to better fulfill your emotional needs, or even which crystals you should use!

Mystic Media

Video downloads that help you overcome energy blocks and attract your Spiritual Inheritance through distant healing into your situation or problem.